Anthroposophy in New Zealand

Working for good through anthroposophy.

Working for good

There are many people bringing an anthroposophical perspective into their work, across a range of disciplines. In many cases this comes from their own world view and a personal desire to weave their beliefs and values into the work they do. In some instances this is made quite obvious and other times it’s more subtle, acting as an invisible spinal column for their work. A successful example of this in New Zealand is Ceres Organics promoting sustainability of the earth and the people on it.

What does this look like?

Anthroposophy comes to life when it is met by an individual with their own personal background and experiences so it presents in a number of different guises. Broadly though, anthroposophy in business brings a holistic nature to work, it acknowledges and supports people to engage their minds, their bodies and their hearts equally in their work.

Anthroposophy in social development

Practitioners in social development working out of anthroposophy aim to meet the ever-changing challenges and questions of the times with empathy and understanding of the multi-facetted nature of human kind. There is a focus on bringing a practical application of the strong social impulses of Anthroposophy to enable healthy social forms and practices. Joint development of creative approaches underpins much of the work carried out by social development practitioners. In New Zealand Alive and Well and Mira are social development consultancies linked into the international Association for Social Development.

Anthroposophy in business

In many areas there are enterprises that bring anthroposophy into their work. This may be as simple as acknowledging and supporting the human need for activity that employs the “heart, hands and head” of an individual, or it may be more complex in terms of looking at the form and rhythms of work, the dynamic created between diverse skills and energies.