An introduction to the Art of Curative Eurythmy

Friday 6 September 2024 - Sunday 8 September 2024
06:00 PM - 12:00 PM (NZ)

We would like to invite you to our new course introducing the art of curative eurythmy.

The course takes place over three weekends in early Sept, mid November and late February and will alternate between Hawkes Bay (Taruna) and Auckland.

The eurythmy aspects will be taught by Helen Proctor, Richard Drexel and Jonathan White with teaching support from René de Monchy and Matthias Seidel.

Please see the poster attached below. Registration form is here

If you have any questions please email Jonathan White at

Curative Eurythmy  Course.     Taruna           6 - 8  September  2024              


                             Friday  6th


6 - 7.30 pm      Lecture  Dr. Richard Drexel

8 - 9  pm           Eurythmy       Jonathan White 




                           Saturday  7th


9  - 10.15 am            Eurythmy              Dr. Helen Proctor

                              -    Morning tea  -

1o.45   - 12  am              Eurythmy            Jonathan White


                              -  L   u  n  c  h  b  r  e  a  k  -


2  -  3.30  pm     Talk  -                          Dr. Richard Drexel  

                            Consonants  [ Lecture 4 Curative Eurythmy Course 1921]                     

                            -  Afternoon tea  -

4  -  5.15  pm          Eurythmy                   Dr Helen Proctor




                               Sunday  8th


9  - 10.15  am       Eurythmy                  Jonathan White

                         -  Morning tea  -

10.45  -  12  pm         Eurythmy                  Dr. Helen Proctor  

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